24 Months of Healing
For the first time since our inception in 2019, we hosted 83 survivors of Sexual Violence who had been part of our healing programme for over 24 months and all of whom could now proudly speak about their ordeals as SURVIVORS. On Thursday, September 1, 2022, these survivors, aged between 13 & 18 years old, all having survived child sexual violence returned to the Totya Platform home at Jangu International to celebrate their lives and make #Brave declarations to join the fight against #SexualViolence against #Children & Adolescents.
61 of these survivors had experienced physical sexual assault (Rape) while the rest had been coerced into marriages as minors, ALL of them didn’t want to have sex in the first place.
21 of these had borne children as a result of the abuse; children they have been struggling to fend for and raise since they themselves are still children, one of these survivors is Kathy, a 14-year-old mother who conceived her son in 2020 after she was sexually abused by a close family member.
One of the main objectives of the day was to develop survivor-led solutions to sexual violence in our communities. Another objective was for the survivors to join and form support groups in which they will continue to encourage and strengthen each other and also help other survivors of sexual abuse in their communities, these groups are safe spaces through which survivors can continue to heal and thaw.
Results of get together
- 6 groups were formed through this event; 1 group in Ssenyondo, 2 in Buwama, 1 in Ninye, 1 in Mpigi town and 1 in Lungala (All in Mpigi District), these groups will be supported by the Totya Platform, Psychosocial & Emergency Program.
- The girls were able to have one on one conversations with the counsellors and District Probation Officer, Ms Annet Nabuuma
- Hon. Nambooze Teddy inspired the girls, bringing them to the realisation that they too can influence change in their society, and they have a right and responsibility to do so.
- At Jangu International, the survivors were exposed to several inspirational stories of other marginalised youth who have overcome their challenges and are now positively contributing to their societies with their innovations.
Totya Platform continues to run a healing program; 24/7, through a toll-free helpline and virtual counselling centre, and physical (in-person) counselling sessions. Emergency medical facilitation services are also available to survivors of sexual violence in Mpigi, all these are made possible by our friends and partners; End Clergy Abuse, Jangu e. V., Social Innovation Academy, Brave Movement, Jangu Tusome, Uganda Police-Mpigi, Mpigi Health Centre IV and the entire Mpigi District Local Government.
Through this healing program over 2000 girls and boys are overcoming sexual violence traumas every day