
Email Disclaimer


The content of this email is confidential and intended for the recipient specified in message only. It is strictly forbidden to share any part of this message with any third party, without a written consent of the sender. If you received this message by mistake, please reply to this message and follow with its deletion, so that we can ensure such a mistake does not occur in the future.


Totya Platform puts the security of our communications at a high priority. Therefore, we have put efforts into ensuring that the message is error and virus-free. Unfortunately, full security of the email cannot be ensured as, despite our efforts, the data included in emails could be infected, intercepted, or corrupted. Therefore, the recipient should check the email for threats with proper software, as the sender does not accept liability for any damage inflicted by viewing the content of this email.


A quotation or proposal request is sent to compare available offers and does not imply entering into a legally binding contract.

No employee of Totya Platform has the authority to conclude any binding contract without an explicit written consent of the board, committee and/or executive director. Therefore, any will to enter into an agreement must be confirmed by emailing: procure@totya.org


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Employees’ liability

The views and opinions included in this email belong to their author and do not necessarily mirror the views and opinions of the company. Our employees are obliged not to make any defamatory clauses, infringe, or authorize infringement of any legal right. Therefore, the company will not take any liability for such statements included in this email. In case of any damages or other liabilities arising, employees are fully responsible for the content of their emails.